Welcome to curly's documentation! ================================= :abbr:`Curly (also abbreviated as {urly)` is a toy templating language with a single goal: to show how to implement template languages. It has minimal practical set of actions which allows to tell about its usefulness. It is fine: features are not the goal, but simplicity and clearness of implementation are. `Jinja2 `_ and `Mako `_ laughs over Curly: from the point of view of these template languages, Curly is a dumb and rigid. As a language it is close to `Mustache `_ and `Handlebars `_, but these minimal languages have even more features than Curly. Yes, they are. Reference implementation of Curly has no even primitive if/else constuctions (only ifs). Here is a full example of the supported language features: :: Hello {{ first_name }}, {% if last_name %} {{ last_name }} {% elif title %} {{ title }} {% else %} Doe {% /if %}! Here is the list of stuff I like: {% loop stuff %} - {{ item.key }} (because of {{ item.value }}) {% /loop %} And that is all! .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: implementation api/index Indices and tables ------------------ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`